Considering Premarital Counseling?
“I am so excited, we are engaged!!” “This is what I have wanted, this is my person!” “We are going to have the best marriage!” “But, what if we are not on the same pa
Overwhelmed With the Uncertainty Over the Coronavirus?
This has taken a toll on everyone. As individuals, we all react differently. Try not to overload yourself with the news, know the facts so you can keep yourself and your family saf
What is Sexual Orientation?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Straight. The labels describe who attracts you romantically and sexually. This is something that can change over time, but may
Do you want to attend therapy, but your partner refuses?
There could be many reasons that an individual does not want to attend therapy, understanding this is key. Try calmly talking with your spouse or partner regarding their refusal to
Survivor’s Guilt
Those who go through a traumatic experience, such as war, mass shootings, crashes or natural disasters, may have survivor’s guilt. These individuals may have thoughts that had th
Don’t Know How To Handle Stress?
You’re not alone; many adults have a hard time coping with the daily stress that life presents. You know what causes it; work, kids, spouse, family, finances. It feels that it ke
Coping With Divorce?
Your spouse has just told you they are leaving. They do not want to be married to you any more. You’re feeling overwhelmed, shocked and unsure of what to do. You try and bargain
Frustrated, Angry and Fed Up With Your Children?
Do you need help with parenting and understanding how to communicate with your children? Learning ways to get your child to follow the rules will help decrease stress and create a
Why am I feeling so anxious lately?
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