Considering Premarital Counseling?
“I am so excited, we are engaged!!”
“This is what I have wanted, this is my person!”
“We are going to have the best marriage!”
“But, what if we are not on the same page?”
“What if we have disagreements?”
“Do we think the same thing regarding work, finances, kids, living arrangements?”
“I am so overwhelmed!”
It is easy to get overwhelmed with something as huge as sharing your life with another person. Engaging in premarital counseling can help work through issues before they get out of hand.
Defining and Understanding Expectations in a Marriage
Each individual will have their own thoughts on what marriage looks like for them. These thoughts and expectations may be vastly different from your partners. Through counseling, each person will be able to express their personnel views and explore their partners feelings.
Being Able to Understand How the Past Affects the Future is Key
Relationships of all kinds may dictate how we interact and respond in situations with our current partner. Learning and understanding triggers is helpful so they do not cause issues unnecessarily. Talking openly will help alleviate transference in this current relationship.
Developing and Implementing Plans for Resolving Conflict is Vital
Having good communication skills is not the only thing necessary in a healthy relationship, but it is a huge factor. Couples need to feel they can openly talk about any issues they have. Each person will benefit by learning to listen instead of listening to speak.
Really Diving Into Finances is Important
Money can ruin marriages if a couple is not on the same page. Each person has a different connection to money. Exploring what this looks like for each individual is necessary for the relationship. In a marriage, there should be no secrets where money is concerned. Being transparent with finances will help a couple avoid financial issues in the future.
Talking About Sex and Intimacy
Sex and intimacy are different, but equally as important in a healthy relationship. Many couples run into intimacy issues sometime during their relationship. Having an open discussion regarding your own thoughts and expectations is important. Also learning how to have real conversations with each other about sex and intimacy is helpful.
Being Open and Learning to Talk
Real communication is so important in any relationship. Premarital counseling will help you and your partner understand each other’s communication style. Learning and understanding the different communication each other has will enable each individual to gain insight on different ways to approach each other.
Openly Discussing Children and Parenting
This is an important topic, as each person may have various thought on being a parent. If you agree as a couple that children are in your future, are you on the same page with parenting? What things may change when children come along? What does this mean as far as being a couple? Thoughts and feelings may change as the relationship progresses and being able to discuss this is important.
Premarital therapy can be helpful to discuss any and all dynamics of a relationship before they present issues. Being able to have open communication will be helpful throughout the relationship. This does not mean there will not be conflict and disagreements. Through premarital therapy, you will learn how to communicate and resolve issues that arise.
Get Started Today
Call me today at (972) 468-1663 for a free phone consultation or click below to schedule an appointment online.