Overwhelmed With the Uncertainty Over the Coronavirus?

This has taken a toll on everyone. As individuals, we all react differently. Try not to overload yourself with the news, know the facts so you can keep yourself and your family safe, and do something to help combat the influx of information being put out there. Stay informed, but don’t constantly check the news stories. Make sure to look at trustworthy sites for updates.

It is a frightening time in the midst of this pandemic, not knowing what the future looks like. During this pandemic, it is easy to spiral downward and allow the fear to take over. It is vital to focus more on what you can control. There are steps you can take to reduce your risk personally and your family

Accept the “New Normal”

Feeling a sense of anxiety and stress is a part of this pandemic for most individuals. Life as we know it has changed in major ways, even though it is temporary, it can still take some adjusting to. Keep in mind, this is not forever, tell yourself “this is temporary”. This will pass and we will be able to return to life as normal.

We all must make changes to ensure safety, social distancing is necessary and we must accept this as our way of life for now.

Maintain Structure

Maintain a schedule for your day. Make sure you wake up at the same time daily. Make sure to include time to exercise, eat, do work/school, do chores, and spend time with family. Try to get outside in the sun when possible, while still maintaining social distancing. Having consistency will help alleviate some stress and anxiety.

Cope With Stress

Find healthy ways to cope with stress. I know this can be challenging, but it is necessary. If you begin to get overwhelmed with stress, take a walk, phone or video chat with friends or family, practice mindfulness, or pick any activity that you find relaxing.

Social Distancing, Not Isolation

Yes, we all have to practice social distancing, but this does not mean we have to completely isolate from friends and family. Find creative ways to connect, such as video or phone conferencing with family members. Talk with people in the neighborhood while social distancing.

Think About What Is In Your Control

Try not to think about things you are unable to control, like how long this may last. Think about what you can do to help you and your family, like washing your hands, social distancing, resting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both mentally and physically.

Get Started Today

I can help you work through stress and anxiety during these times. I offer in-person or remote online/video sessions. Call me today at (972) 468-1663 for a free phone consultation or click below to schedule an appointment online.